
Predictive Analytics for

Within Government, it is more important than ever to make smart decisions that generate measurable benefits

Version 1, a leader of predictive analytics and survey solutions, assists public sector executives in optimising resources and meeting objectives by helping them more clearly identify patterns and trends in events, behaviours, or attitudes, and plan effective, efficient responses.

With SPSS Statistics, a seamless flow of data to government agency decision-makers helps them improve citizen services, make smarter decisions, manage budgets and mitigate fraud and threats.

IBM 2022

Predictive Analytics for Government

Data and predictive analytics provide insight that can inform smarter decisions and generate measurable benefits. The predictive analytics and survey solutions offered by Version 1 can assist government organisations and public sector executives optimise resources and meet objectives by identifying patterns and trends in events, behaviours, and attitudes.

These data-driven insights then inform effective planning and efficient interventions and responses. Version 1 can assist with policy and survey research, fraud, criminal analysis, program feedback management, and tax and revenue issues.

Primary Analytics Solutions for Government

Design the analytical solution that is best for your organisation. 

  • Policy and Survey Research

    Analysing information about the people you serve is essential. How else can you know if you’re meeting their needs? And how else can you track important trends, like patterns in employment and economic development, in public health, and in the use of agency services? You also want to monitor internal processes and your progress toward goals such as greater operational efficiency.

    The data collection reporting and statistical analysis that is a necessary part of these efforts can be burdensome. It becomes less burdensome when you have the right tools and support. Whatever method you use to collect and analyse data about staff or constituents-in-person interviews, phone contacts, paper-based or online forms – Version 1 solutions help simplify and streamline the survey process. Because they are so flexible, these solutions also help your agency increase response rates.

    Your department or body can explore many facets of people’s attitudes, preferences, and behavior, including:

    • Attitudes and behaviors that affect individual, family, and community health.
    • How satisfied or dissatisfied individuals and communities are with the performance of your agency.
    • How satisfied employees are with pay, working conditions, and career options.
  • Fraud, Waste and Abuse

    Fraud, waste, and abuse cost government agencies millions-even billions-every year. Healthcare programs such as Medical Cards and Social Welfare are a common target as other social support programs ranging from educational support to taxation. Taxpayers end up paying the bill-decreasing their confidence in the government’s ability to manage crucial services and valuable public funds.

    Predictive analytics makes it feasible for analysts to:

    • Detect errors and improper payments in the administration of program benefits.
    • Uncover abuse in programs.
    • Improve the monitoring of performance.

    In combating fraud, waste, and abuse, predictive analytics solutions from Version 1 provide valuable assistance. Predictive analytics technologies enable organisations to “connect the dots” faster in order to anticipate and even prevent instances of fraud, waste, and abuse. Inspectorate and audit offices can prioritise investigations and dedicate staff and other resources to the cases most likely to lead to the recovery of significant monetary amounts.

  • Criminal Analysis

     Version 1 predictive analytics solutions and services help government agencies worldwide improve their effectiveness. Predictive analytics makes it possible to understand what has happened, anticipate what may happen next and then take appropriate and timely action. We enable police forces to:

    • Optimise resources and reduce overtime budgets.
    • Identify minor crimes likely to escalate into violence.
    • Accelerate the investigation process.
    • Inform police on duty regarding the likelihood of a violent crime taking place in certain areas.
    • Identify and predict crime trends & patterns over time.

    The policing community is increasingly inundated with information, while simultaneously facing reduced budgets and manpower. Critical to crime fighting is the intelligent and timely analysis of the thousands of incident reports, crime tips, 911 emergency calls, and other data resources that departments receive every day. Within this deluge of data lies the key to increasing the safety of the public.

    Fortunately, like most human behaviour, criminal behaviour follows predictable patterns. For example, some criminals have geographic comfort zones or may commit crimes only at certain times of the day. These tendencies can be uncovered using predictive analytical tools.

  • Program Feedback Management

    In a time of renewed emphasis on accountability, the performance of government programs is coming under closer scrutiny than ever before. Program analysts and managers are being asked to provide directors, department heads, media, and the public with detailed insight into public sector program outcomes.

    Traditionally, program assessments included hard data, such as program take up, money spent, and other metrics. This approach, however, provided only a partial view of a program’s effectiveness. Senior-level officials, policymakers, and other stakeholders want to know how a program is viewed by the people who participate in it and by the community at large. In addition, they want insight into results on an ongoing basis, so that programs can be kept in line with the expectations of citizens and policymakers.

    Program feedback management helps you to incorporate feedback into program assessments. Through program feedback management, you can:

    • Understand exactly how satisfied constituents are with various aspects of a public program.
    • Discover potential issues or areas of dissatisfaction and promptly take corrective action.
    • Compare program outcomes across time periods and geographic areas.
    • Build increased citizen support, as participants and community members see that their feedback is incorporated into program planning.
    • More easily determine strategic direction for both existing and proposed programs.
    • More confidently prioritise budget spend.
    • Meet statutory oversight requirements.
  • Tax and Revenue

    The goal of Revenue Services is to maximise compliance with tax-related rules and regulations. Version 1 predictive analytics solutions are particularly useful in these efforts. From massive amounts of tax filing data, predictive analytics helps executives identify the cases most worth investigating. In this way, departments can optimise staff resources and increase revenue recovery.

    By integrating internal and external data sources to enable a variety of applications, from trend analysis to non-compliance detection and revenue forecasting, predictive analytics helps tax administration agencies answer questions such as:

    • How should we focus auditing resources among tax types?
    • Which taxpayers are higher audit priorities?
    • What is the expected yield from a particular audit type?
    • What profiles of tax-payer are associated with higher rates of noncompliance?
  • “Now that we are using SPSS with Version 1 we are able to extract meaningful and insightful data from our surveys in a more timely manner. This has real business benefits.”

    Graeme Stevenson Arts Council Northern Ireland

    “Measurement is critical to give us an accurate picture of the way things are in the field and identify areas for change or improvement. UNICOM Intelligence is an excellent tool that enables us to measure and immediately understand what is occurring and then take appropriate action.”

    Chaim Gatt PhD, Director of Research and Statistic Ministry of Education's IT Division

    “By using the software tools provided by SPSS, we have cut our processing time by 70 percent.… Because the output generated by SPSS is so impressive, it makes people in authority sit up and take notice of your results.”

    Jacqueline Martin, Principal Support Officer East Ayrshire Council

    “As we draw towards the successful conclusion of the project I want to express my thanks to your staff and my admiration for their skills and professionalism.”

    Loman O'Byrne, Chief Executive South Dublin County Enterprise Board

    “The SPSS scanning process and capability to drill down into our public consultation survey data has become a bedrock on which the project can move forward. Our increased survey and analysis capability has also impressed several partners who have now fully bought into the National Reassurance Project in Oldham.”

    Keith Bentley, Chief Superintendent of Operations Oldham

    “While previously the full investigation process might have taken weeks, we're now able to track down fraud cases within days. We typically express the added value of our department in terms of financial results. By using IBM SPSS Modeler, these results have doubled each year since 2007.”

    Andor de Vries, Fraud Analyst Zorg en Zekerheid

    “Now, by using SPSS expertise and their online survey capabilities, it was easier and faster to measure opinions. UNICOM Intelligence is an excellent tool that enables us to collect feedback in a timely manner and also deliver huge cost savings to the organisation.”

    Ian McKenna, Head of Framework Awards HETAC

    “Literally hundreds of intervening variables have been identified and SPSS software has proven invaluable in determining which of these have the most impact when planning and delivering services.”

    Dr. Tony Alderton, Researcher Kent County Council

    “The course was very informative and I could see throughout the course where I could apply the techniques within my own work.”

    Jennifer Dunne An Garda Siochana

    “Very useful course for beginners and also as a refresher to statistical concepts. Good to have many examples. More practical knowledge gained.”

    Tania Percy South Yorkshire Police

    Government Case Studies

    3 total results

    Case Study

    Case Study – Arts Council of Northern Ireland

    The Arts Council of Northern Ireland is a public sector establishment that distributes public money, National Lottery funds and other public sector body contributions totalling approximately £ 12 million per annum. This funding supports the development and delivery of a wide variety of arts projects, events and initiatives, primarily across 97 organisations in receipt of core and programme funding throughout Northern Ireland. The Arts Council fulfils an extremely important role in collaborating with and providing financial support to a wide range of creative organisations; from production to performing artists that engage with local communities to deliver arts programs based on themes that resonate with various groups across society.

    Survey & Market Research
    Case Study

    Case Study – IDS TILDA

    IDS-TILDA aims to give policy-makers insight into the needs of older people with intellectual disabilities (ID). Gathering data from this vulnerable population in a sensitive and ethical way was a key challenge. The IDS-TILDA team used IBM® SPSS® software to design an accessible survey, and developed complementary supportive graphics for persons with low literacy to help illustrate many of the questions.

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    Version 1’s SPSS experts can consult and deliver a wide variety of analytics solutions across a broad range of industry sectors.  Find out more at the links below.

    Arrange a free consultation to discuss your analytical needs, and identify the best solution for you.